Falcon Cargo MOvers is registered with D. G. Shipping; Govt. of India as Multi Modal Transport Operators having FMC approved BL’s to serve their customers and partners.

  • Direct, FCL & LCL Freights
  • FCL Consolidation.
  • Oversized, Perishable, DGR and Special Cargo Freights, commodity specific prices.
  • Door to Door Services.
  • With our excellent relationship with carriers, we ensure Buyer / Shippers consolidation services for various destinations at the most competitive rates.
  • Efficient and cost effective solutions to International Freight Forwarding Needs.
  • Our customer service team are fully trained, oriented & proactive, to keep our valued patrons constantly updated.
    We keep on upgrading systems and through online connectivity with Shipping Lines & Port Authorities; we ensure faster communications, bookings and movement of cargoes.
Logistics Ground in Asia Pacific
  •  Operating in all major countries and borders
  • Extensive services including: linehaul, Pick Up and Delivery (PUD), home delivery, milkrun, cross-border, courier and rail
  • Singapore to Shanghai cross-border service
  • China to Europe railway service: Innovative service balancing speed and cost; faster than Oceanfreight, cheaper than Airfreight
  • Linehaul China: 700 trucks a day, 6.25 million pallets moved yearly
Transportation across Europe
  • Multi-sector and multi-mode capabilities
  • Working with Pan-European players and niche specialists
  • Central control and network monitoring through the Control Tower
  • 450,000 tons managed a year
  • 40,000 shipments a year
  • 200 transport partners
  • Groupage/LTL/FTL
  • In Turkey, Logistics handles over 7,700 FTL trips a month
Logistics Ground in North America
  • Supports U.S. Domestic network through LTL/FTL services
  • Over 70,000 scheduled linehaul segments per year
  • Seven hubs and 62 stations
  • 7.5 million miles a month
  • 8,000 loads a month

To learn more about our ground transportation operations in North America and how we can support your business, please visit www.stylemixthemes.com.

Safe & Secure

You benefit from our experience in delivering effective solutions to the complex global supply chains of some of the world’s biggest corporations.

Fast Delivery

You benefit from every innovation, whether it involves a simple extension to our Air and Ocean Freight products, whether it means a development in warehousing.

24/7 Support